About CSGN

The Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) is one of the largest environmental projects of its kind in Europe. More than just a ‘Green’ initiative, it is designed to support, link up and build on existing partnerships and programmes with the objective of improving the social, physical, cultural, and environmental wellbeing of central Scotland. The network is made up of quality environments where people live and work; network connections for people and wildlife; and nature-based solutions that contribute to net zero and climate resilience.

Image credit: David Palmar (photoscot.co.uk)


The CSGN is a 40-year programme with the aim of changing the face of central Scotland by restoring and improving its rural and urban landscape.

Our vision is that by 2050, central Scotland will
be transformed into a place where the
environment adds value to the economy and
where people’s lives are enriched by its


To make the CSGN vision a reality, delivery is broken down into shorter-term goals, currently planned out to 2030 around four key workstreams: Natural Climate Solutions, Liveable Places, Health and Wellbeing, and Green Recovery.

These interconnected workstreams are further
broken down into objectives laid out in the Delivery Plan 2030 (DP30), which has been developed by the Green Action Trust with Scottish Government and strategic partners.

Where is the Central Scotland Green network?

The CSGN covers an area of 10,000 square kilometres, from Ayrshire, Inverclyde and Dunbartonshire in the West to Fife and the Lothians in the East.

It includes 19 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities, takes in 87% of the country’s most deprived areas and offers the potential to improve the lives of 3.5 million
people, or 65% of the population.


An ongoing partnership between the Scottish Government, public bodies, local authorities, NGOs, private sector businesses and communities within central Scotland, the CSGN has been prioritised as a National Development in the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework.
The CSGN actively supports the Scottish Government’s commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It directly contributes to 12 of the 17 goals, through its focus on disadvantaged communities and an ongoing commitment to reduce inequalities and provide natural solutions to Scotland’s climate change challenges.

Project examples


This flagship CSGN project developed 54 inter-related projects, developing biodiversity, climate action and community-focused skills training.


Transforming Vacant and Derelict Land into a cycling pump track has breathed new life into Craigneuk, a high priority area for regeneration.


This partnership project encourages the use of raingardens as a sustainable and natural way to manage floodwater, particularly in urban areas.

What we do

The CSGN takes a holistic approach to solving the biggest issues facing the environmental wellbeing of central Scotland. A huge number of partners are involved in delivering projects that are grouped into four interconnected workstreams:

Developing Natural Climate Solutions

Delivering projects that use natural solutions to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts. These include initiatives to increase carbon capture particularly through woodland creation, peatland restoration and improved wetland and coastal management.

Making Liveable Places

Promoting the role of high quality green infrastructure in placemaking and urban design. These projects create multifunctional greenspaces in new developments and existing places, while improving biodiversity and habitat connectivity.

Promoting Health and Wellbeing

Focusing on the positive role that access to quality greenspaces has on people’s health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life. This includes embedding community growing as part of local food growing strategies, encouraging outdoor physical activity and green active travel.

Supporting a Green Recovery

Encouraging the incorporation of low carbon energy generation into the design and management
of greenspace and green infrastructure. Includes creating green uses for Vacant and Derelict Land that benefit local communities and economies.


We can help your organisation deliver its environmental objectives by making a positive contribution to the CSGN. Whether you have a project proposal, a funding question, or you simply need advice on how to take an idea forward, we’d like to hear from you.