The Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) ‘Growing Food Together’ Fund is once again offering a cash boost to community growing projects across the whole of Scotland.
Funded by the Scottish Government, projects can apply for part of the £100,000 fund that aims to foster community engagement in growing and learning about food, as well as promoting healthy eating and outdoor exercise.
Leading environmental charity, the Green Action Trust, is managing the fund as part of its work to drive forward the delivery of the Central Scotland Green Network and is again expanding the application criteria to welcome applications from across Scotland.

Community growing projects are a key part of creating an environment that allows Scotland and its people to thrive. The Trust is particularly interested in applications that fit community growing into local responses to the present cost of living crisis and deliver aspirations to become a Good Food Nation.
The closing date for applications to the CSGN Growing Food Together Fund is 5pm on Friday 19 July, 2024.
To apply, please download the application form below. Guidance on completing the form is provided in the document. Any queries about the fund or the application process can be emailed to