What We Do
The CSGN provides a shared vision to transform the environmental well-being of central Scotland, with people and nature at its heart. On a practical level, it offers a way for partners to boost delivery of their environmental objectives. Projects can gain greater impact and often funding or extra support by aligning with the CSGN, which is embedded into the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework.
Such a wide-ranging work programme, envisioned over four decades, requires planning to break it down into achievable objectives over shorter timeframes. The four interconnected workstreams below sum up the objectives contained within the 2030 CSGN Delivery Plan (DP30).

Developing Natural Climate Solutions
The CSGN delivers and promotes projects that use natural solutions to support the transition to carbon net zero and to make communities, businesses and places more resilient to climate change.
This workstream incorporates a diverse set of projects, from large-scale woodland creation and natural flood management to installing green roofs. Regardless of scale, a key aim is to work collaboratively with communities and partners to build their capacity and climate resilience.
Making Liveable Places
The CSGN has a key role in creating quality, ‘liveable places’ in central Scotland. It focuses on the role of multifunctional green infrastructure and the importance of access to nature in making better places to live and work.
A major aspect of this is restoring biodiversity through expanding and connecting natural habitats that can also be enjoyed by people.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing
The CSGN focuses on the positive role that access to quality greenspaces has on people’s health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.
From community growing initiatives to active travel infrastructure, these projects support the places, communities and individuals that are experiencing the greatest level of health disadvantage.
Supporting a Green Recovery
A ‘Green Recovery’ is supported by the CSGN’s dual role of reducing inequality and promoting sustainable and inclusive economic activity.
Here the emphasis is on supporting projects and programmes that deliver employment and social benefits by integrating green infrastructure into town centres, disadvantaged areas, and Vacant and Derelict Land.
We can help your organisation deliver its environmental objectives by making a positive contribution to the CSGN. Whether you have a project proposal, a funding question, or you simply need advice on how to take an idea forward, we’d like to hear from you.